Tag Archives: Botnik

Predictive text – Inigo Montoya with JK Rowling

One of my previous posts, Botnik for Riordan is one of my more popular posts.

Another writing exercise was Inigo’s famous lines… And you let predictive text take over. Credit to whoever made this picture…

Here is my own predictive text.
Hello, my name is Mel.  You killed my dad.  Prepare to be a productive day today.”

Mine is not as interesting but I was surprised. I would love to see yours and your reactions as well.

So, I combined this exercise with Botnik’s pre-installed Harry Potter narration. Hopefully the link works, otherwise you can do a google search.

You should be able to recreate this as well. I have chosen the same block for each different iteration/start/paragraph, starting from the first option on the left. The first is good. The others didn’t work so well and looped words, as you can read below.

Hello. My name is our king … he took a deep breath. You killed my book of spells flew toward them. Prepare to the floor where it said happily to harry ‘s questioning look at him over the top of the stairs.

Hello. My name is n’t seem perturbed this was even a few moments before harry ‘s face as though she was going on outside. You killed my third floor of snape was trying not looking up. Prepare to his knees beside the window and stared at harry ‘s face as though she was going on outside in case of fred ‘s and hermione together to the door of their dormitory closely followed the flower ron ‘s and bending his wand back into the middle finger at ron with a snort from the ground with his hands over her shoulder for a few moments before harry ‘s face as though she was going on outside.

Hello. My name is nature name on her sleeve to his face in a corner where he lay back of harry again in defense now he understood and harry knew he would not have known that she looked up from his pocket of the table on his back and hermione were staring down to his knees and then he heard voices ears now and when she had sat at once by a sprinting to harry as the train sped up to him in a corner where he lay back of harry. You killed my want anything he said to the floor on her sleeve to his face in a corner where he lay back of harry again in defense now he understood and harry knew he would not have known that she looked up from his pocket. The end up at once: a little way out a low fierce approval quietly behind them called harry and the rest were all looking around to see where he lay back of harry again in defense now. Prepare to harry as the train sped up to him in a corner where he lay back of harry again in defense now he understood and harry knew he would not have known that she looked up from his pocket

This is my second post with mashups… Last time was Willy Wonka in Dr Seuss form.

Let me know of your own character/book/story mashups!

Botnik – Predictive Text for “The Lightning Thief”

The first week at Yancy Academy, I wanted to believe him. I tried to shake off the daze. I wasn’ t sure what to say. There was a blanket over his head, because his hands were still trembling. My lunch must’ve been contaminated with magic mushrooms or something. The bull-man closed in. Another few seconds and he’d be cool, but he told stories and jokes and let us play games in class. He also had this awesome collection of Roman armor and shouted: “I was a nobody, from a family of nobodies.” He was the only explanation. We’d been blasted right off the road. Next to me in the backseat and I wondered if I’d never seen in my life until she got on our bus at the end of the house, the valley marched all the way up to the dorm. The monster closed his fists around my mother’s voice was choked with emotion.

**Upload any text into botnik.org for your own enjoyment!

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